What's the Difference: UPshow vs. Tagboard

July 16, 2018
Courtesy of GIPHY

So, you’re looking for a new marketing tool. You know the incredible ways Customer Generated Content (CGC) can benefit your business. You’ve narrowed down your options, but are left wondering whether UPshow or Tagboard will be the service that meets your needs.
I’ll make it easy for you: At UPshow, making sure our customers succeed is our #1 priority. UPshow offers the same basics as Tagboard, and more, without charging you extra for features that should come standard. Don’t believe me? Let’s break it down.


Full Customization

UPshow’s Social TV platform can be completely customized to your brand - colors, style, logo, hashtags and more. Have something specific in mind? Rebranding? No problem. Whatever makes your UPshow fit your business, we’ll do everything we can to make it happen.

Real-Time, Human Moderation

Courtesy of GIPHY

UPshow’s moderation is done by UPshow’s Content Review Team in real-time, by real people, 24/7. This ensures only appropriate content appears on your screens and makes for a far less labor intensive process than a manual curation platform, which requires YOU to do the moderating. Who has time for that?

Attentive Customer Support, Anywhere

Courtesy of GIPHY

Our customers are more than customers; they’re our partners. Your successes are our successes, so we work hard to ensure you get the help you need, however you need it. Our customer success will happily get on a call, chat, or even come to your business to make solutions happen fast - no extra charge.

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