How UPshow SHIFT's Integration with POS Systems Works

March 2, 2023

Finding ways to drive sales is no easy task. It requires more than clever marketing and promotions. To keep numbers up and see consistent results, it’ll need to be a team effort. 

But how?

Imagine displaying digital daily sales leaderboards to foster friendly competition among your staff. Or would you like to start showcasing your top performers in an employee spotlight each month? Integrating an on-premise digital engagement platform with your point-of-sale (POS) system can help. 

Keep reading to discover how UPshow SHIFT leverages integration with POS systems to help you train, inform and motivate your team–increasing your employee engagement, and maybe even sales.

What is POS integration and how does an integrated POS system work?

A point-of-sale system (POS) is the nerve center of your business. It’s a digitalized system used in hospitality and retail environments to record, process and track sales transactions. It can also track your inventory, compute taxes and generate sales reports.

Back in the day, a POS system included a cash register and a receipt book. Today, POS systems are fully computerized, consisting of both hardware and software and can include the following:

  • Cash register
  • Computer, tablet or other internet-enabled devices
  • A credit card machine or card reader
  • Mobile payment capabilities
  • Scanner
  • Printer

Depending on how sophisticated your POS system is, you can also track loyalty programs, customer data and purchase habits and your marketing campaigns. To do that, though, you need POS system integration with a software service that can create a more compelling customer experience, front-of-house, too. More about that later!

What do you expect from POS system integration

Before you integrate digital signage with your POS system, you’ll want to determine goals for what you hope to accomplish front of house, back of house or both.

To help you set realistic goals that can be aligned with your employee engagement strategy, you’ll want to use your POS system to track your key performance indicators (KPI).

You can likely use your POS system to track and gain more precise insights about some of the following KPIs:

1. Track metrics, such as sales volume, average sales, customer loyalty, and customer retention rate.

Your POS system can tell you what you’re selling the most or least during different shifts. You can also track your average sales and the number of transactions per customer. 

If your customer retention rate has declined, you can use digital signage to bring it back around again by offering BOGO deals or a free item with their next purchase.

2. Track customer preferences and buying patterns.

Your customers know what they want. And your POS system has kept tabs on their preferences and buying patterns. 

Let’s say you’re about to unveil a new burger special. Reports from your POS system can show you that, on average, your customers purchase more burgers at lunchtime. You can create a targeted advertisement with UPshow and display the new burger during lunch and other peak times on your front-of-house screens.

3. Analyze customer feedback.

Let’s face it—sometimes customers can be brutally honest.  Luckily, you can turn lemons into lemonade with UPshow. 

UPshow makes it possible to create, share, and deploy surveys and other engaging content that you can use to tailor your content and marketing strategy. Coupled with metrics from your POS system, these insights will make it possible to create highly targeted content that is sure to command attention.

4. Analyze employee performance.

Research shows that employees who are better engaged and feel included tend to perform better. Have you run an employee performance report lately and noticed that a few of your top performers are underperforming

You can use UPshow SHIFT to create inspiring BOH messages or display performance goals so your employees keep their eye on the prize. Here’s how UPshow Shift can integrate with POS systems.

Set up your hardware and software for POS system integration

UPshow SHIFT is an on-premise performance marketing cloud that leverages integration with your POS systems to maximize the potential of the existing digital screens in your business. 

Setting up is easy. The first step is to ensure your digital screens are visible and placed in high-traffic areas to increase customer engagement (but not congestion during rush-hour shifts).

Next, simply download the UPshow software directly onto the screen if it is Bluetooth and wireless enabled. Otherwise, you may need a hardwire connection.

Depending on your POS system (e.g., Xenial, NCR Aloha, etc.), you’ll next integrate it with the UPshow SHIFT software. UPshow’s customer service team is always available around the clock to troubleshoot or help make your integration as smooth as possible.

Create content that maximizes the benefits of Point of Sale integration

You want to create digital content that can unlock all the benefits of POS system integration by engaging and motivating your employees to perform at their prime. But what if creating content isn’t your strong suit (or priority)? No problem!

With UPshow SHIFT’s Canva integrations, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Their ready-made templates are easy to use, so you can customize them with your branding and unique content to engage and motivate your employees.

Under pressure from corporate to have your employees complete their annual mandatory training in safety and compliance? UPshow’s QR code integration makes it easy to create interactive signage.

Your employees can scan the QR code on an integrated POS system to access their training portal and other important information. And you can track who’s completed it, how long it took them, their training results and more—allowing you to analyze the metrics and make adjustments before next year’s training.

Use insights and analytics to adjust your screens

The more data you have about your employee and customer engagement, the better you’ll be at making informed decisions that improve employee satisfaction and drive revenue and other business outcomes. 

Here are some of the digital signage analytics you’ll have at your fingertips with UPshow SHIFT:

  • Measure the performance of your mobile engagement and on-screen content.
  • Track employee & customer engagement.
  • Record QR code scans.
  • Observe a detailed view of your campaign performances.
  • Export your data and share reports.

Combining UPshow SHIFT’s on-screen data analytics with your POS data and reports can help you know what’s working or if you should pivot and optimize your on-screen content—saving you time, money and other resources.

How you can make the most of POS system integration

Create leaderboards to leverage POS system integration across multiple screens

A little friendly competition never hurt anyone! 

You can drive sales and encourage team members to promote limited-time offers with POS integration. This makes it possible to track and share sales across shifts and individual team members so that you can create live leaderboards for your digital signage. 

It’s the perfect way to add flair to your employee engagement strategy and to create camaraderie amongst team members. 

Enhance customer experiences and drive productivity 

For those customers waiting for you to roll out those vegan options, digital signage will allow you to advertise and recommend your new additions. 

Ready to launch your location’s 50%-off Friday campaign? You can share this type of promotion on your front-of-house screens, keeping your customers in the know.

UPshow makes integration with POS systems simple

Integrating your POS system with UPshow SHIFT can make the difference between meeting performance goals and exceeding expectations.

Ready to keep your employees and customers engaged and informed? UPshow’s team is prepared to help. Sign up for a free demo today!

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