How to Get Members Spending | Additional Gym Revenue Streams

December 22, 2020

People are hesitant to return to gyms. As a result, clubs must prioritize maximizing spend from those who do visit their venue via additional revenue streams.

After you identify and implement these additional offerings, what marketing strategies convince gym members to participate in extra spending? Digital signage helps create consistent and significant streams of additional revenue by driving awareness of offerings, incentivizing action from members and building loyalty for repeat spend.

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Drive Awareness

Digital signage promoting a new smoothie at a gym snack bar

Gyms constantly experience fluctuations in member attendance. As a result, new members or members who visit infrequently don’t always know about additional opportunities like the snack bar, boutique or spa. 

Promoting these offerings using paper signage is expensive due to printing costs and oftens gets ignored, resulting in low ROI. Instead, market your additional revenue streams where your members are already looking: your TVs. Incorporate digital signage alongside your entertainment and fitness guides to inform members of your offerings and excite them about the benefits. You can even localize your messaging to target members who will take the most interest. For example, market protein-packed smoothies to members in the weight training area and sports massages to those finishing up in the locker room. 

Not only will members be more likely to notice the messaging in the first  place; they’re also more likely to remember it. More than half of people who see a promotion on digital signage remember the details of it later on, per Sixteen:Nine. This high engagement drives members to spend, making additional revenue for your gym.

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Incentivize Action

Digital signage promoting gym personal training, featuring a scannable QR code

Some hesitant members will need more persuading than others to try something new. In this case, a reward-based marketing strategy can push them to overcome that resistance.

When promoting additional revenue streams in your gym, offer a discount or deal for first-time participants. For example, an in-house facialist can offer 20% their first treatment, and a personal trainer can offer a BOGO training package.

Digital signage makes these deals even more irresistible by leveraging QR codes. QR codes allow members to take action the moment they feel motivated by simply scanning the code with their phone. It then directs them to any destination you choose, such as a mobile coupon download. As opposed to traditional discounts, 80% of people use a mobile coupon within one week, according to Juniper Research.

Incentives break through mental barriers that prevent members from participating in additional offerings, not only contributing to your gym revenue but also improving their overall experience.

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Build Loyalty

Gym digital signage promoting an app download to increase loyalty

Once you have members hooked on your extra products and services, you need a strong retention strategy to ensure members perceive your additional offerings as integral to their fitness routine.

Digital signage is an excellent channel for marketing strategies that build loyalty. Not only can you promote in-venue offerings such as classes, but you can use your digital signage to drive downloads of your gym’s app. The minute your guests download your app, you have a brand new way to reach them no matter where they are. This incredible strategic channel means you can use push notifications to remind them of additional offers or experiences they may have enjoyed in the past. One national gym franchise using UPshow significantly increased app downloads in just a month, to much success. Once again, QR codes make it quick and easy for members to act right away.

With a permanent channel in place to remind members of the availability and benefits of these experiences, they are more likely to try them again, forming a habit and becoming loyal customers.

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Promoting your gym’s additional revenue streams can pad your bottom  line and keep your gym successful. Digital signage provides everything your gym needs to increase your members additional spend by informing members, encouraging conversion and ensuring repeat purchases.

Ready to Increase Additional Revenue at Your Gym?

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