5 Shockingly Unshocking Word-of-Mouth Marketing Statistics

November 9, 2016

Brace yourself.  We have some ground-breaking news.

Studies show that people prefer to get word of mouth recommendations and referrals about stuff versus looking at advertisement directly from the brand?


Oh what’s that? Oh… you already know about WOM in marketing? This… makes complete sense to you?

If this makes sense to you, that means you fit the following qualifications:

  1. You have a pulse
  2. See qualification 1

Okay, so it’s not ground-breaking that when you are looking for a new restaurant, a movie to see or even a plumber to use, you look to the people you know and trust best.

But isn’t it beautiful when fact-based science matches gut-based intuition?  

Below are some of our most un-jarring word of mouth advertising, marketing statistics and the studies that found them

  1. 84% of consumers reported always or sometimes taking action based on personal recommendations. [Nielsen]
  2. 81% also said they are influenced by what friends share on social media. [Market Force]
  3. 79% of people say their main reason for "liking" a company's Facebook page is to receive discounts. [Market Force]
  4. 75% of Gen C'ers curate and share online content every week. (Gen C'ers are over the age of 35) [Google]
  5. Word-of-mouth has been shown to improve marketing effectiveness by up to 54% [Market Share]

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