4 Social Media Facts That Make or Break Restaurants

June 24, 2019

Social media is an exciting and popular marketing strategy, but sometimes, the hype can make it feel overrated. With all the digital marketing options available to you, you may be wondering how important social media really is to your restaurant. The answer: incredibly.

Here’s why developing a strong social media strategy is crucial to keeping your business successful:

30% of Millennials use Instagram to decide where to eat.

Instagram is the new Yelp

As a visual platform that showcases a restaurants dishes and atmosphere, social media has become a guiding light to many when it comes to dining out. If your restaurant isn’t cultivating a social media presence, especially on Instagram, you’re effectively allowing your restaurant to become an unknown hole in the wall - and not in a good way.

Tip: Social media management apps are a great way to schedule posts in advance so your account doesn’t take over your to-do list every day.

92% of consumers believe recommendations from family and friends over all forms of advertising.

Word of mouth matters

Organic content generated by your customers is not only cheaper, but more effective than any other strategy you might use to promote your restaurant. Where does word of mouth happen these days? On social media. The more you can encourage visitors to post about their experience, the better.

Tip: Interactive social media displays that integrate with your digital signage are a fun and effective way to incentivize posting, with less hassle than managing something like a giveaway. Everyone loves to be on TV!

74% of people who follow restaurant brands on social say they’re more likely to visit those establishments.

Connecting is key

People want to have a “friendship” with brands, and that includes being able to communicate with them on a 1-1 level. Social media is an excellent conduit for this kind of relationship, with the ability to share messages in customers’ individualized feeds and even direct message. By connecting with customers on social, you’re cultivating a relationship where your audience desires it most.

Tip: Celebrate your advocates loudly, and quietly handle the naysayers. Not every brand can pull off the snarky tone of Wendy’s or Denny’s.

79% of Americans have a social media profile - meaning there’s a large sample size to research customers.

Data drives everything

Arguably the best part about social media is how easy it makes it to learn more about your audience. Not only do you get standard demographic info, but also a very transparent breakdown of what your customers like, what they dislike, who they think is worth paying attention to, and who pays attention to them. This data can inform so much of your strategy - the best part is, it’s in real time, so you can pivot quicker than ever before.

Tip: Be sure to be respectful of how you use the information you get. Customers may like that you noticed their craving for your summer specials, but will draw the line if it gets any more personal.

If you want to kickstart your social media strategy (and drive more results for your restaurant), try using UPshow, the custom consumer engagement platform built to drive revenue from your TV screens and become your #1 marketing asset.

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