3 Ways Digital Marketing Makes Gyms Safer and More Successful

March 3, 2021

People don’t like to touch things anymore. 

In a gym, sharing equipment and space with other members is inevitable, but this shouldn’t be an excuse to ignore the increasing consumer desire for clean, personalized experiences. In fact, as new and returning members become more and more particular about where and when they exercise, delivering on cleanliness and personalized experiences could make or break your membership totals.

The good news is you can provide many contactless, custom experiences with a tool you already have in your gym — your TVs. Digital signage integrates with your existing screens to create eye-catching, interactive experiences. Even better, guests can interact directly from their own phones. Here are three ways you can leverage this technology in your gym:

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Schedules and Class Info

Whether it’s a young professional trying to catch a before-work zumba class or an exhausted parent looking to reserve their weekly spot in hot yoga, members crave easy, transparent access to your gym’s schedule.

Use digital signage to display a weekly schedule, as well as to advertise new classes and instructors. These displays are easy to update, eye-catching for members and save you hundreds of dollars in paper printing costs. Including a QR code alongside these announcements makes it easy for members to engage with your offerings. All they have to do is scan the code with their phone, and they will immediately be directed to the correct app, website or online form to take action. 

Plus, when you use QR codes with tracking capabilities, you receive real-time feedback. Scans tell you what classes interest your members so you can offer additional time slots quickly if a class fills up fast.

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Additional Services and Events

Trying to increase member participation in additional services and activities? Sick of seeing your marketing emails get ignored or lost in the inbox shuffle? Instead of waiting to promote to members once they get home, take advantage of your captive audience: members in your gym.

Use your screens to raise awareness of everything from personal training packages to additional revenue streams, like in-house massages or smoothies. Then, offer a compelling call to action. Include a QR code to a 10% coupon for their first visit to your spa, or offer member perk points in your gym’s loyalty app.

Members who are already inside your four walls are engaged with your products, services and brand, making them more open and willing to consider additional services.

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Review Generation

The number one word to describe returning gym members is “cautious.” Many fitness enthusiasts are waiting and watching to ensure their gym of choice meets their needs for space, safety and amenities. Reassure cautious members with new and positive reviews.

Get the word out about your gym by driving new reviews from existing members. Once more, by advertising this request on your screens with a QR code, you enable members to leave a review quickly and easily, all while their experience is still top of mind. By asking for reviews now, you’ll be sure to have a glowing reputation by the time more cautious members  are ready to return.

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Contactless, digital communication is not only an expectation from customers — it’s an opportunity to get creative with new forms of messaging. By leveraging QR codes, and other digital marketing techniques, you’ll be able to reach members in new ways while providing them the digital experiences they crave. UPshow helps gyms and fitness centers like yours  create successful digital messaging using the screens you already have.

Ready to Transform Your Member Experience?

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